a good weekend…. mostly.
The weekend started off very fun. I finish work at noon every Friday. So Friday afternoon CJ and I dropped the kids off at my mum’s house and headed out to do some errands (banking, OHIP etc). Mum called while we were out and told us to take our time and go out for dinner or a drink and to enjoy ourselves. So we did. We went to our favorite new bar – Philthy McNasties… ha ha. They have Jenny Craig fries there which are to die for. We actually had a chance to chat and talk about something other than the kids. It was great.
On Saturday morning I took the kids to Toronto Island. We met Omi at the ferry and had a fantastic time there. The ferry ride is only about 15 minutes but is very fun - adds adventure to the outting.!

I was really amazed at how brave the kids were. Especially Mackenzie. I thought she’d be nervous going on the rides, but she had a blast. She wanted to go on everything, including the roller coaster and log boom ride (which we successfully avoided cause neither Omi, nor I wanted to get drenched). The kids convinced me to take them on the ferris wheel though which was absolutely terrifying for me, but they enjoyed it. HA! We got back to the car after several hours of fun. The kids were fast asleep before we even pulled out of the parking lot. And the cool thing is CJ and I were able to transport them from the car to their beds and they continued to sleep for a few hours in the afternoon. I took a nap too. Here are some pictures from the day.

I need to teach Ingrid (Omi) how to use the camera.

Omi and Kenzie in a swan boat. Seb and I were in another one. He LOVED it!

This was towards the end of the day… Seb was getting a bit tired.

While the kids and I were out having adventures, CJ stayed home to do home improvement projects. I am really impressed with all the stuff he is doing. He did some electrical work in the kitchen and installed lighting under the kitchen cabinets. Then he got some blinds, had them sized and hung them in several windows of the house. He also installed a bracket to hold our new small flat screen TV that we have in the kitchen - I love it all.
Yesterday was both good and bad. For the first time ever, Mackenzie had a major meltdown in public. It was because she wanted a pair of new shoes which I told her she could have, but then she started misbehaving and so I told her she needed to behave or she wouldn’t get her shoes. The bad behaviour continued so she didn’t get eth shoes. It broke my heart to see her so upset. But I think we did the right thing. When we got home and she calmed down, we made a deal that she could “earn” the shoes with good behaviour for the next few days. She has been an angel ever since. I know she will earn those shoes and I’m sure they will mean that much more to her because she will have worked for them.
Yesterday afternoon/evening my friend Ian (from IBI) came over for a visit. We all had a blast. CJ and Ian had fun talking about golfing and are currently planning a golf outing in the near future. Ian was great with the kids… probably because he is like one himself. It was a great visit. We all drank way too much wine… but hey, you gotta do that once in a while right?
The kids adored him.

So, it’s Monday now and I’m back at work. I hope this week goes by quickly. We leave for the Oregon coast on Saturday. We are spending a week there with our friends the Lacey’s, and Sam and jess are coming down for a couple days too. It will be so wonderful to see them again.
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