Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Job decision!!

I made my decision and feel great. This has been weighing on my mind heavily. I finally decided that there was no point in working if my job was "just a job" (well aside from the whole "need to make money" issue, that is).

I have decided to stay with my firm. I have an opportunity to make my job exciting and rewarding. I just need to overcome my shyness and fear of business development. I know I have the talent and expertise to be a partner in this firm. I just need to jump in at the deep end and do it and stop hiding behind others who are not any smarter than me but just less inhibited. I need to stop worrying about failure and just try. Additionally, when i talked to the partner in this office (who is also a good friend), we had a good heart to heart and i laid everything on the line. He said that he would work out ways to make my job more flexible and also would look into subsidizing part of my family's health insurance costs. So that is a plus.

SO...... I have decided to stay with my current firm but to change the way I approach my job. It will no longer be "just a job" but instead an opportunity to learn things, have fun, meet new people and grow professionally.

At least that is the plan.

I told my client today that I was retracting my application. I felt SO BAD doing that. She looked so upset and stressed. But she said she completely understood my reasons (financial and future opportunities). She mentioned that she was going to try to get more funding to extend my current contract so I can keep working with her. So that would be good, since I enjoy working with her and I enjoy the project. So there you have it!

Wish me luck.


Blogger Katherine said...

Glad you made a decision, Karen!

8:49 AM  

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