CJ "the Dad"
CJ and Kenzie had a blast today going down the slide. Now before anyone calls CPS on us, please note that Kenzie was holding on tight and her center of gravity was squarely in the middle of his back. (besides, what's a broken bone or two amongst family)

Here are some more pictures from today. It was a beautiful day and we had a blast just hanging around outside and goofing off.
Seb's typical swing pose (Seb, I apologize for putting your sister's hat on you - but it was hot and I was too lazy to go searching for yours)

The kids on the swings

Our Boo

That's it. I'm calling HPS (hubby protective services). You should NOT let CJ go down the slide like that! ;-) I just wanted to tell you I have so much fun reading your blog...you're a crack up.
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