the weekend
And there's another weekend over. It was a fun one though :)
So on Saturday we lazed around in the morning. This is Kenzie in the morning. I love her sleepy eyes look.

We had some friends come over in the afternoon. My good friends Karen and Hadley came over with their kiddos. It was so much fun. The weather was perfect and the older kids (Phoebe, Ethan and Kenzie) had a blast playing on the playset and in the pool and just running around being kids - I love that! The second set (Kristina, Kalena and Seb) also seemed perfectly content to lie on a towel in the shade and watch their older siblings. Here's a picture - is there anything cuter???

Yesterday was another good day. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! We spent a lot of time hanging around, playing outside and watching the PGA on TV. When the kids were napping CJ painted my toenails - what a cutie he is. He did a damn fine job too. Thanks Honey!
Later, we all headed over to our pals the Laceys for a fabulous barbeque. The Lacey's have a new playground in their backyard. It is too cool. It's a little fenced in area that is surrounded by trees so it's nice a shady. Inside they have a swingset (which Sebastian absolutely LOVED!!!!), a sandbox and the coolest wading pool I have ever seen. Kenzie was in heaven and didn't want to leave.
While there I kept thinking to myself - this is the life! We are here with friends (two of which are pregnant. Go Ladies!!! I can't wait to meet the new little ones), eating good food (including fresh fish that Darwin caught on the annual boys fishing trip - [btw Tim, I think you owe DW a dollar - I believe his fish was bigger by at least an eighth of an inch!!]) and just having a good time in general. The kiddos (Kenzie, Jessica, Julian and Gabby) are having a blast playing. We know they are safe and having fun. Life is grand!
Sam brought over a video that her fiance Charles made for her. Charles is in Iraq right now and will be coming back in October. Sam and Charles will be getting married on June 17th, 2006. Congratulations yous guys ;-) Anyhow, the movie was incredible. It had me in tears. I couldn't believe the pictures and video footage we saw of the bomb-blasts, guns, and armery. Throughout it all we saw pictures of Charles - sometimes he looked worn out and tired, sometimes sad and sometimes he had a smile on his face. But even in those pictures of him smiling he looked well beyond his years. It made me so sad... here we were having a wonderful time in the U.S.of A., enjoying the weekend with friends, and there is Charles, living in a life-and-death situation day in and day out. Here are some pictures of Sam and Charles.

I think about you often Charles. Thank you. and God Bless you!
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