random thoughts
First of all I'd like to say I am completely in love with my husband and I love my kids more than life itself. :) I would like to give a call out to CJ for his ability to make the best homemade lemonade I have ever tasted. and I mean the real stuff... with lemon juice, sugar and ice. I can't describe how yummy it is with it's mix of real lemon sourness with real sugar sweetnest. It's the best, honey. You rawk!
I stole this picture (below) from Steve's (http://www.steve-lacey.com/) Flickr. Hope you don't mind. (btw Steve, did you know that I read your blog every day? the computer-geek programing stuff is like a foreign language, but I love reading all your other posts)

Okay... so onto more random thoughts....
Sebastian kills me. he is the most dramatic child (well person for that matter) that i have ever met. When he is slightly perturbed about anything... anything at all, he will scream bloody murder. I mean, you have to be there to know what i am talking about. His heart-wrenching shrill screams would make you think that he is being brutally tortured, when in reality it could be something as small as, me bending down to pick up his binky that he threw on the floor... so for a half-second he didn't see my face. Most of the time this drives me insane.... but I have to admit that a very small part of me feels some pride in my son. I think it's because I admire his gumption ha ha ha.
Kenzie.... you are the sweetest little girl (as proven in the picture below).

But, Kenzie dear, we need to have a talk. This getting up, after we've read stories and put you to bed, to have a poop, is getting tiring. I KNOW you don't have to go. I KNOW that this is a game you are playing. Your Dad and I see right through your little scheme. So... from now on... pooping takes place BEFORE you go to bed... okay?
One more thing Kenzie Boo. When you tell me that you love me "from limpinini to limpinini" (instead of infinity to infinity) it melts my heart. It's a good thing you don't realize that after saying that to me you could ask for absolutely anything and I would get it for you :)
So, I have taken the day off tomorrow. YAY long birthday weekend for me! Tomorrow, Kenzie and I are heading over to Kelly's house to make some shower invitations for the Lacey's. Well Kenzie will probably play with Max while Kelly and I make the invitations. I am excited about that. In the afternoon we are going to meet Karen and the kids at some petting zoo. I hope the weather is nice.
I am also really psyched about going out on Saturday night. It will be fun to go out for drinks with friends, and stay up past 9:00 pm - like real adults. fun fun fun.
okay well that is the extent of my random thoughts for now. until later.....
K out.
Karen can your kids get ANY cuter? Hope you have a good weekend? What day is your birthday again? Oh and one more thing, how do you add more than one pic to a post?
Ash... when you are looking at a picture in flickr... click on the "view all sizes" option. Underneath each picture it will give you the url address and also a bunch of html that you can cut and paste into your blog. That's what I use.
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