It's 9:07 and I am absolutely exhausted. I don't know if its all the fresh air, a super full stomach or the fact that I am coming down with a cold. In any case I am off to bed soon.
The men have gone out for a drink and I must say I am not at all envious as I am prety sure I couldn't stay awake long enough to finish a drink.
Our day today consisted of more playing on the beach... kite flying, burying each other in the sand, digging for buried treasure - Kenzie burried her princess phone this morning and walked over to get Sebby so he could try to find it, and subsequently she couldn't remember where it was buried. It was very upsetting... however, it made for an incredibly exciting experience when she stumbled upon later this afternoon.
Nabila and I took the older kiddos shopping (we hit the outlets again this time going to Eddie Bauer and Osh Kosh). On the way back we stopped at the Nehalem Bay Winery. I love that place. I go there every time I am on the Oregon coast. The wine tastes like peach heaven. After coming back with 15 bottles.. how the hell are we going to get them back to Toronto?!?!.. i took a long nap (Thanks honey for watching the kids and letting me sleep).
The afternoon/evening was spent with more beach playing followed by the most incredible curry I have ever eaten (and I consider myself to be a bit of a expert when it comes to Indian food). Nabila, it was mouthwatering. I need the recipe.
Thye kids had a great time playing "hop on CJ!" and then all went to bed, actually quite willingly.
so that brings me to now... I am about to start another book (I had forgotten how much I enjoy reading... vacations are awesome).
Here are some pics of the last 24 hours.

Steve has some amazing photos.... I can't wait to steal them from his flickr to show you.
Oh, Karen, I am SOOO jealous....but so happy for you that you are having a wonderful time. That sounds like the most WONDERFUL, perfect vacation. Enjoy!!!
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