December Update
Wow… it’s been a while. I’ve just been so tired lately. Even now it’s only 12:30 and I am trying to decide if I should keep working or if I should take a nap. I am working from home today and promised Kenzie that I’d pick her up from school at 2:30 so I probably won’t get a nap in. Oh well, I’m just happy to be home for a day. My new job is SO MUCH work. I am exhausted every day but at the same time I leave the office with the adrenaline rushing. I love the work so it makes the workload a bit easier to handle. And it sure beats the stress of worrying about NOT having enough work. But I am constantly tired and have spent a few sleepless nights thinking about work which I try really hard not to do.
CJ started a new position in his company on Monday. He's now in "corporate" so he's excited, and I am proud of him, but that means that he has to leave earlier in the morning so it's a bit of a mad panic getting the kids ready. On the plus side, CJ is home earlier in the evening so we can spend more time together. Which is really awesome. As convenient as our schedule was over the last year, I missed spending more time with CJ so I am looking forward to us now having dinner together every night.
Christmas is coming too fast. I still have some Christmas presents to buy but I don't know what to get and can't find a spare minute to go shopping, let alone wrap presents. Every day I think of someone else we need to buy for (teachers, daycare assistants, kids etc)
Its Sebby's birthday TODAY!!! Our baby is turning three years old. And he still is my little baby and I could just eat him up sometimes. We are having a joint birthday party for the kids on Saturday at this place called zooz… I am excited about it. Mostly because they do everything for us (play, food, cakes, balloons, loot bags etc). I think both kids are going to have a blast!
Oh and the basement! It is totally coming along. We have been busting butt trying to get it ready for Christmas (we've been pushing the contractor) and we also decided to do all the painting ourselves so CJ and I spent all weekend painting – we got everything done except for his music room which he did this week. And get this…. The carpet installers left about 15 minutes ago. The electrician will be putting up the fixtures tomorrow and the doors will be installed on Saturday! I can’t explain how excited I am…… To get all these toys downstairs and out from under our feet. And my scrapbook room….The shelves for my paper, ribbon and tools have already arrived so I will be setting up my room on Saturday. This whole basement thing is like a dream come true!
We also ordered a bunch of new furniture for the basement and also a bunk bed for Seb's room. I think I am more excited about the bunk bed than I am about the living room stuff. It's one of those beds with a double on the bottom and twin on the top. He doesn't know about it. He is going to FLIP OUT!!!!
Andrea’s sister's pregnancy is going well. She has her 20 week ultrasound on Dec 28th. She's invited Kenzie and I to come along (Chris too, obviously) to see the U/S. I am so excited! Afterwards we are planning on going shopping for baby stuff (she hasn't bought anything yet). She's still really nervous about downs but she decided against the amnio which I am very happy about. She was determined to have it and it was scheduled but she changed her mind at the last minute. All her tests have come back negative (for any issues) but she is still worried because of her age.
So there you go. That's our update. By the way here are a few pics of the basement.

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