Halloween Party 2007
On Thursday afternoon CJ and I decided to have a few friends over for an impromptu Halloween party. To be honest I didn’t think anyone would be able to come because it was such late notice and everyone is so busy with kids and sports etc. But, very surprisingly, EVERYONE was able to come. The party started yesterday at 3:00. We were planning on having the kids do some cookie decorating and then some pumpkin carving and then everyone would go home and we’d watch the OSU/PSU football gall. But alas, the best laid plans…. So at 7:00 everyone was still here and the party was in full swing. No one seemed ready to go. So we ordered in some pizza and the party continued…
I had a really good time. I am happiest with a house full of people and laughter. I think everyone had fun. You should see Kenzie’s room – it is a friggin disaster area today. LOL. CJ, Dave and Graham played some X-Box Hockey. CJ and Brian spent hours in teh basement playing guitar. CJ was still able to watch the football game. He would have seen OSU win (sorry Dawn), but he passed out before the end of the game. Ha ha ha.
I think the last guests left around 10:30 or 11:00. That, in itself is not surprising, or late, but when you think that people arrived at 3:00 – that’s an 8 hour party! Woot! Here are some pics.
Front Hall

Decorating Cookies

Big People

Some awesome costumes

Pumpkin carving – Sue looks like she’s having fun eh?

X-Box playing

Watching Football

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