Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Time flies

I swear if time starts going by any faster I will miss the next 5 years if I blink.

Another weekend is gone. It was a good one. On Saturday we all took Kenzie to her first ballet class. It was crazy. There were two classes of 3-foot ballerinas (i.e. 3 and 4 year olds). They were all so friggin cute in their pink tights and ballet slippers and little tutus… CUTE! The problem was the parents… along with each of those little dancers came an entourage of family members – moms, dads, siblings. And we were no different. But the result was complete mayhem at the dance studio with about 100 people crammed into a waiting area design for about 6. But it was good. Seb got a donut to stop him from throwing a fit when he found out he wasn’t allowed to go to ballet class with Kenzie. And Kenzie had a most wonderful time and is so excited to go back next week. She is already talking about her wonderful and highly anticipated performance “on stage” which will happen sometime in the new year.

When the kids napped on Saturday afternoon – let me rephrase that – when KENZIE napped on Saturday afternoon and Seb refused to – thereby requiring CJ and I to NOT nap either, CJ and I decided to take the opportunity to change the house around a bit. We moved the dining room table out to the living room area and moved all the kids toys into the dining room. They now have their own play room and the rest of the living area downstairs (i.e. living room, family room and kitchen area) is toy-free!.It is also good because I think now we will be more inclined to sit down at the table and eat. Also we have the couch in front of the TV now which is nice cause we can all sit/lie up there and snuggle while watching TV. I love it. For once I don’t feel like I am living in a giant playroom. And the kids seem to really like having a specific room dedicated to toys and playing!

After the boo woke up from her nap we all went to my mum’s for dinner. She kept the kids overnight and CJ and I went out for a drink. Then yesterday morning we got to sleep in which I love. It just starts the day off right. We hung around in the morning and cleaned the house a bit and in the afternoon I had 4 friends come over for some socializing and scrapbooking. It was very fun.

And then…. The kids were home, we ate dinner, bathed the kiddos and it was time for bed. Another weekend over and we are back to work.


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