let's feed the river rats
We actually had a relatively relaxed weekend. But it was busy enough not to be boring. On Saturday we hung around most of the day. In the morning we played outside. We brought the car in to the shop to get the brakes fixed and then we came home, had lunch and took naps. Weekend naps are so luxurious. I hope the kids never outgrow them, cause I know I will never get sick of them.
After naps we went to Andrea and Chris’s for a barbeque. It was a lot of fun. We brought some toys for the kids to play with (since Isaac wasn’t there this weekend). And they were happy and well behaved - at least to our standards ;-). Chris made a wonderful delicious dinner. I am still salivating over the tomato salad with that mustard dressing – mmmm. The kids blew bubbles, played soccer with CJ, played with playdoh and drew pictures. I took a bunch of pictures but then left my camera at Andrea’s so I don’t have any to share with you today. Oh dear, I just remembered now that Chris gave us a container of his barbeque sauce to take home with us. I don’t remember bringing it in the house. I hope it’s not still in the car.
Yesterday we had a lazy morning – the kids and I made some rice crispie type thing. Then we played in the house, watched some cartoons and CJ brought us McDonalds for lunch. Then we took the aforementioned weekend nap. When we woke up it was raining. We decided to go for a walk. It was a lot of fun. The kids loved carrying their umbrellas and jumping in puddles.

Here’s Kenzie cleaning the playground with her clothes.

CJ and I also had fun pushing them down hills in their stroller when they weren’t strapped in or wearing helmets. It’s like kiddie X-games.

When the rain stopped we went to feed the ducks. There weren’t many ducks but there was this cool heron-like thing. I don’t know what it is but it was cool.

I also saw some things swimming in the water. I thought they were small otters. I thought they looked so cute and sweet and I told the kids to feed them some cheerios. But when we got closer CJ was horrified to learn that they were actually water rats with long scaly rat tails. We got out of there super fast. SO GROSS!

On the way back Kenzie and Seb decided to ham it up for the camera (I used my Nikon since Andrea still has my Canon).

The rest of the evening went by quickly. We had dinner, the kids had a bath and then it was time for TV and bed. And just like that, the weekend was over again!
I will leave you with this picture of my very stubbly honey.

My girls love the pics - My A finds your K in pink outrageously cute, especially.
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