TTC and camping
And now, for a change, some various random thoughts. Let me start with the work-related ones…. It looks like I am changing jobs again. No I am not leaving my current company. But I am moving out of headquarters and to the TTC. My company has a multi-year program management contract with them and I am joining that group as a project manager. Basically I will act like a client and hire and manage consultants to do the work on various capital projects. It will be very interesting to sit at the other side of the table. I am excited about the move but also a bit trepidatious (is that a word?) about another change. I was just settling in to my current job and enjoying the new friends I had made and finally feeling relaxed and happy at my job. Oh well, we’ll see what happens.
Now onto camping. I would say that it was a success but not 100% perfect (see below - some crankiness and illnesses). It was fun enough that I can’t wait to go again though. And that $99 tent from Costco – it rocked!
There were 7 families and a total of 18 kids. Here are only SOME of them.

The pros
• The park and campsite were gorgeous.

• The people we were there with were so much fun and we had a great time and lots of laughs.

• The kids were fairly good on the way there in the car.
• They DID take naps (in the tent and on the beach)

• All the kids got along so well. I loved how the older ones took care of the younger ones.

• We were close to the “facilities” but they were clean and didn’t smell bad.
• Kenzie and her friend Sophie became the best of friends and were inseparable and so happy together.

• The weather was wonderful.
• We were 5 minutes from the most beautiful sand beach. The water was warm and the kids were in heaven.

• The mosquitoes seemed to stay away from the kids.
• CJ and Brian played guitar at the campfire while the kids roasted marshmallows. How perfect is that.

The cons
• Seb was a bit out of his element and was very cranky Thursday night
• Seb had problems falling asleep in the tent
• I got sick on Saturday and we had to leave a day early
• Our kids don’t like bugs
We didn’t sign up for the next trip scheduled for August although now I am wishing we had. Hey, maybe we can tag along anyhow. (or take someone’s spot if there is a cancellation) It was a good trip. I already miss it.

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