Happy Birthday to me!
Oh my God. Let me start by saying that nothing annoys me more than when my computer acts up. I booted up my computer about 15 minutes ago and outlook is still not open yet. I am going to scream…
Anyways, besides that. It’s my birthday today! WOOT! I’m not expecting today to be a very great day cause I am swamped at work. But I had a really nice weekend. On Saturday CJ and I took the kids to Home Depot where I got to choose a tree. Our backyard is currently a small square piece of grass surrounded by a wooden fence. It has no landscaping – nothing. Very bare, no character. So I had asked CJ for a tree for my birthday. I chose a pear tree. It’s supposed to have beautiful flowers in the spring. CJ spent Saturday morning planting the tree. When CJ does something he does it properly. He took all the grass away, dug down and put down a weed screen and then planted the tree with a ton of good soil. It looks fabulous!
In the afternoon Andrea, Chris and Isaac came over for a birthday barbeque. CJ’s mom came too. It was a good afternoon and evening. Andrea and Chris also brought all of us gifts from their trip to France. I have to laugh at Andrea though… she brought Seb this adorable little T-shirt from a French boutique. It has that “pre-worn” look and has paint splatters on it. I bet she paid about $80 for it!! It just makes me shake my head and laugh.
The food by the way was so yummy. Andrea and Chris brought these spicy sausages from the market. CJ also grilled asparagus and portobello mushrooms. Mmm mmm mmm Here are some pics from the afternoon.

Yesterday was a nice day… except for when we went back to Home Depot (this time to buy some flowers). Both kids were tired and had complete meltdowns while we were there. When we left the two kids were sitting in the back seat screaming and crying and yelling at each other to “BE QUIET!”. Ahhhh isn’t it great to have kids. The rest of the day got better – after we FINALLY got the kids to bed for naps. CJ finished the flower bed and we planted the flowers and it looks AMAING! It makes the whole backyard look nicer. It was a wonderful birthday present! Thank honey. I love you.

So that was the fun part - now for the not so fun part. CJ is leaving tomorrow WAAAAH! I am stressed at work. and I just feel really anxious in general :(
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