Excuse me if i'm a bit emotional today
Today is Kenzie's last day of Junior Kindergarten. I am so proud of our little girl. She started school last September only 2 weeks after moving into a new house in a new neighbourhood in a new county. She left behind all her friends in Seattle.
She was the youngest in her class (just making the end of year age cut-off). On her first day my shy little girl was so brave - holding her head up, getting into line and marching into "big girl" school with the other little kids. She constantly amazed me. From the things she learned academically to the way she blossomed socially. She truly earned her “student of the month award” with her determination and perseverance in all areas of school life.
I know that she came across many challenges - from taking the bus to daycare (where she was very intimated by the bigger/louder kids), to the first time another child said they didn't want to be her friend.
She has been courageous, well behaved, eager to learn, and has gone into this whole experience with an amazingly positive attitude.
This morning as we were walking to school she heard the bell ring. She started running for school, her little backpack covering half her body. She arrived at the school door in the knick of time just as the kindergarteners were lining up. She quickly joined her friends in line and was chatting away excitedly (last day of school) as they started walking in. When she turned around to wave to Sebby and I, and blow us kisses, she had the biggest smile on her face. It occurred to me that my little baby is growing up.
Mackenzie I am so proud of you.
Kenzie's first day of school

Getting her Student of the Month Award

My little lady now.

I am so proud of her - please let her know Uncle Darwin & Aunt Dawn love and miss her very much!
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