Urban photos
I am always intrigued by people with talent. I love the fact that some people are just gifted with the ability to do something that most people can’t. Like the child piano prodigy – it’s a gift that they are born with. While some people can spend their whole lives practicing to achieve a certain level of competency, others are just born with a natural ability to excel.
I think that my friend Nikki is a natural photographer. She has an eye for it. I love taking pictures but I am not a photographer. I capture moments in time so I can remember them. Nikki on the other hand is an artist. I know this sounds so cheesy. But it’s true.
This weekend she came to visit. We went to Queen St. in Toronto. It is a regular downtown street – maybe slightly on the seedy side. Nikki wanted to do an “urban photo shoot”. As we walked down the street Nikki would point to the most ugly, unattractive locations and say “over there. That’ll be a good shot”. I was like “what? Are you serious? There are cigarette butts all over, it smells bad and the wall is covered in graffiti”. This was the end product. I love the way she captured kenzie’s attitude and innocence at the same time. I love the way the pictures show kenzie’s eyes. I love everything about them. Nikki – you rock!

Those are great! I gotta do the same thing...
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