I've been pretty lazy about blogging. I am almost finished my week off between jobs. It was a fun week. I went for walks with Koda every day, picked the kids up from school early, cleaned my closet and hung out and watched TV. It was a fun week. I start the new job tomorrow and to be honest I am not that nervous. I hope that’s a good sign and not that I have a false sense of security. I have been doing a bit of work this week already so maybe that’s why I’m not nervous. I’m also signed up to present at the CUTA Conference on November 10. I am presenting on LEED for Transit Terminal Design. THAT I am nervous about.
In any case, we had a really nice weekend. Halloween was super fun and yesterday and today we just had lazy hang out family days. We took Koda for a nice walk in the park today. Its been a nice slow-paced weekend. We haven’t had one of those in a while.
Oh yeah… and this weekend we discovered that Koda can be socialized. We took her to the park at 6:30 in the morning for some playtime with some other dogs. She did great and didn’t get into any fights. I think she actually has some dog friends now. That makes us all happy.
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