its starting to feel a lot like summer!!!
So it’s time for another update. The past three days have been crazy. Let me start by saying that I have been working like a dog lately – at least for me. I am kinda used to not over-working myself :) But the last 3 or 4 months I have been working like crazy. I REALLY like what I’m doing right now and I am personally interested in a lot of the stuff that is going on in my industry locally and throughout Canada, so on top of my regular job duties I have been trying to stay up to speed on what’s going on and do some business development as well. Needless to say I am unable to keep up a crazy pace for a long time (unlike CJ who is amazing at working 15 hours a day continuously for over a year).
In any case I ended up having a small breakdown at work on Friday. I was tired and worn out and someone senior (ok – the president) made a comment to me that I took as criticism and I way over reacted and got really upset and started to cry in his office. Then because I was so ticked off at my total lack of self control I cried even harder. I was just a mess. He was really good about everything and told me that I needed to cut back on work and spend more time with my family – which was such a sweet comment that I cried even harder. Ha ha ha. Ugh. I am now totally embarrassed about the whole ordeal but I guess I just need to move on. So that was Friday. By the time I got myself under control and finished up some critical work things, it was 3:00 – so I left the office and decided to give myself an hour to recuperate. I went and got a manicure and pedicure by myself and it was just LUXURY!
CJ had a baseball game that night and I was going to go and watch and then we were going to go out on a date. But when Rachel (and Brian) came over to babysit, I was still feeling rather “delicate” and didn’t want to be around a ton of people, so I took Koda for a walk. We were walking by Bev’s house and we saw Coco outside. So we went to say hello. Bev came out and said that she and Sof would join us for a walk. It was actually just what I needed. We went for a really long walk and of course Bev heard all about my “fabulous” day. By the time I got home I was feeling so much better. Bev and sof stayed for a visit and CJ came home and we all just hung out on the front patio and chatted till it was time for bed.
On Saturday we had my company’s summer picnic. It was at a local park and when we arrived the kids were thrilled to see this set up on the grass.

As you can imagine – the kids had a BLAST running through that thing with all the other kids for about 3 hours! There was also a mini put course set up here are some pics.

I love this pic and just want to kiss his cheeks.

The cake (appetizing eh?)

So after all that playing we headed home ~ 3:00. CJ had another baseball game (it was a tournament weekend) so we were in separate cars. Both kids were asleep before we left the park. I was able to successful carry them from the car to their beds when we got home and they continued to sleep for a couple hours. Meanwhile, Helen called and asked if we wanted to go to Dave’s parents’ house for swimming and barbeque. So when the kids woke up from their naps they couldn’t believe their luck. Not only did they have a fun time at the picnic but they got to go swimming too. We arrived at about 5;30 and the kids played/swam hard the whole time except for about 10 minutes when they jumped out to eat a burger or hot dog. CJ joined us there at about 6:00 which was nice. At 9:00 we dragged the kids away… they weren’t very willing so we bribed them with a sleepover. So instead of taking our two kids home – we took 4 kids home with us. Luckily all the kiddos were absolutely exhausted from the days events that all 4 were asleep in Seb’s room by 10:00. WOOT!
Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was warm and sunny the whole day. The kids had fun playing together. We hit the park, went for a walk, and played in the sprinkler.

While the kids were playing, I was able to get some gardening done. I realized that our garden needed A LOT more colour. The grass is coming in nicely (from the bare spots from the sandbox and pool last year). But this is how it looks now… pretty sparse.

Guess where the dog pees.

After lunch, Helen came by to pick up Seb and Sophie. Kenzie had a birthday party in the afternoon so we had to run out and get a present. On the way home I was drawn to Home Depot to buy some flowers.
Here’s a pic of the Boo

We bought a ton of stuff – hanging baskets, more clematis for the front, some geraniums, petunias and marigolds (I don’t particularly like them so much but they keep the mosquitoes and wasps away) for planters on the balcony, some sort of red bush (can’t remember the name). In any case, when we got home, Seb was napping and Kenzie decided to lie down for a few minutes before her party started. I got right into my gardening and had a blast! There is something so therapeutic about gardening. In any case, the garden already looks better but this has just given me a taste. Now I am anxious to put a real physical border (either stone or that black plastic stuff) around the two flower beds, get and plant some more bushes and I really want to buy a couple small wood and wrought iron benches to put in the backyard to sit on.
Okay – now I am totally babbling… so to end my novel. After gardening I took a shower, CJ picked up Kenzie, the Woocks came over for a barbeque and we had a fun evening. Today it’s back to work and I am having a hard time getting motivated.
That was a busy and very fun weekend!
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