So, we had Seb tested by a psychologist last week. The reason I booked the appointment is because his teacher at school was saying that he was having some behavior issues and getting frustrated with his classmates etc. He would get mad while doing group activities and act up. I asked how he was doing academically and she said “oh, he’s an average student. I have no concerns with his school work”.
It made me a bit frustrated cause I know he’s smart and better than an average student. I mean we can’t keep his stimulated enough these days at home. He is constantly building things from lego and other types of kits. Like this

and this

These are kits for much older kids and he does them all by himself just by following the directions in the kits. Here's a little video of him explaining one of his creations...
In any case, I started thinking that his behavior issues could be because he’s so friggin bored at school. Well, we got the results of his assessment yesterday. Looks like he’s a pretty smart kid. His results were:
1. Verbal IQ: very superior 99th percentile IQ=137
2. Non-Verbal IQ: very superior 99.9th percentile IQ=147
3. Processing speed: very superior 98th percentile IQ=130
Overall IQ: very superior 99.9th percentile IQ=146
so of course I am super excited and proud of our smarty pants. But then the difficult thing is to figure out what to do about schooling and his behaviour. He's obviously under-performing in school and he is probably bored and frustrated and tuning out cause he is not interested. He is getting a reputation for bad behaviour. We have a meeting with his teacher next week and I am going to see what she thinks we can do. The problem is that the "gifted" stream in public school system doesn't start until grade 4. We are having issues with him already in grade 1. I don’t know if we can wait 3 years to get him in a program where he is more challenged. On the other hand we also don't really have $20,000 extra to spend on private school every year.
Oh well... CJ and I will chat this weekend. This is one of the better problems to have I guess.
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