I got a sun burn
YAY. I used to love lieing in the sun and getting a tan but I haven't had a chance to do that in the past 3 years. I think being pregnant and/or having a little baby to watch may have something to do with that. I've come to find out that sitting in the sun with small children is frowned upon, so when I have one in my arms or within my care I try to stay in the shade. In any case, CJ... my hero.... embarked on a little projet last week. He decided to get the kids on a ...ta da dum... "schedule". And guess what? It worked!!
Today 12:05... Sebastian, asleep for a nap. 12:20 Kenzie, down for her nap.
12:25 Karen sitting on the deck with her friend Sam enjoying an ice cold Bull and Vodka. Life is good.
I got two full hours in the sun before Sebby woke up. And it was the best two hours I've had in a long time. Sam and I looked through a stamping catalogue and chose materials that we're going to use to make "save the date" cards for her wedding next year - CONGRATS Sam and Charles! We talked about her upcoming nuptuals in Virginia and I am now convinced that a family vacation to Virginia next summer may be in order.
I spent the next few hours hanging out with the kids outside. We had a blast. Here are some pics I took.
I am especially proud of this one. Isn't he handsome!

Here is Kenzie Boo. I am pleased to say that we are on day two of wearing big girl pants with only one accident today. i am very proud of you my dear!

and one more of Seb-man learning how to sit - he's doiong such a good job.

This evening, our good friends the Wheelers invited us for a barbeque. Thank you DW squared! We all had fun - especially "the ladies" playing ring around the rosie :)
The evening came to a close with kenzie and mummy having a grand old time playing on the playset while dad put seb to bed. Kenzie you are a sweet heart and I love hearing your giggle.
So, i will now close and get some sleep since we have many more adventures in store for us tomorrow (including a 4th of July parade and a bbq at Julien's house).
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