how could I have missed this minor fact
For the past week when I imagined us on the weekend skating, I would envision CJ and I on the ice, skating easily, helping the kids keep their balance … pulling them along the ice and just having a jolly good time. How is it possible that I forgot I DON’T KNOW HOW TO SKATE! Even when we arrived at the skate trail I was full of optimism and excitement to get on the ice and start skating. It wasn’t until I took my skate guards off and put my foot down, and my foot slid at breakneck speeds away from me and I landed on my butt that I remember that I can’t skate. I am still amazed that this minor fact could have escaped me for so long…..
Anyhow, with that in mind, I would like to say that our first skating experience was relatively good. I was able to move on the ice (granted, without any style whatsoever and with my arms out at my sides like I was a giant bird trying, but unable, to take off). CJ was a star and apparently does know how to skate. He spent most of the time bent over at the waist (his poor back) carrying/pushing one child or the other around the ice. My mum was also terribly disappointed that after not skating for 30 years she had lost her knack. The kids were good sports. Kenzie really wanted to do it by herself but unfortunately she didn’t quite have the balance yet. Seb was happy as anything to be pushed around on his little double bladed skates. All in all it was a lot of fun and we are going to do it again. I would like to go skating with CJ first to get my skating legs. I think that next time we will also go in the arena rather than outside – at least that way we’ll have the boards to hang on to.

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