our weekend - continued
Well I forgot to update on the rest of our weekend. Saturday afternoon Michele and her husband Jamie came over with their girls and Linda came over with her daughter Megan. Megan is a little peanut. She is kenzie’s age but the size of Sebastian. But she is the most outgoing little kid ever – so cute. Linda and Michele are friends from my internet mom’s board. It was great to meet Linda and to see Michele and Jamie again. The kids had a hoot playing together as shown below….

Although the big girls kept locking Sebby out of Kenzie’s room. This is what happened when I asked then to let him in.

Luckily, Seb found a willing audience with the adults who watched him dance downstairs. He then proceeded to go play by himself quietly before we noticed that he was using Michele’ cheesecake as playdough… OMG – how embarrassing. Anyhow, we enjoyed a yummy spaghetti dinner (thanks CJ, honey) while listening to the kids tell knock knock jokes…. Reminder: next time put the kids table in a different room.

On Sunday we made some homemade playdough. It was super fun and I personally like the texture of the homemade stuff better than the bought stuff. The afternoon was spent hanging out and not doing too much of anything.
I am getting really tired of Sebastian being sick all the time. He’s had a really tough winter with one cold after another. Right now he’s got another one… this time with a bad cough that has been keeping him up most nights. CJ is an angel and has been getting up with Sebby and letting me sleep. I hope Seb sleeps well tonight so we can all have a good night’s sleep. I am hoping we can get the kids into bed early so that CJ and I can watch the American Idol premiere in peace. That should be amusing.
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