Saturday - half day update
First of all - Happy Hockey Day in Canada!! For anyone who has access to CBC you should watch the hockey coverage. It's being presented from Nelson, B.C. - the small town of about 700 where my dad lives. And how perfect since it's Dad's birthday today. Happy Birthday Opa :)
so this morning I picked the kids up from my mom's house (they stayed there overnight since CJ and I had a late curling game last night - we tied but had a great game). On our way home we stopped off at the local arena where they were hosting the Bunny Hop Ringette tournament. The bunny league is the 7 and under league that Kenzie will be starting in next fall. This year her "big friend" Jenna was playing in it. We caught up with Jenna after her first two games

it is so cute watching these kids play. They are 5, 6 and 7 years old and they skate better than I ever could.

I think I have Kenzie convinced that she can play ringette without princess skates - so long as she can use bright pink laces on her hockey skates.
After watching for a while we headed home, had lunch and went down for naps. I was just going to get a drink when I found Kenzie like this..... I think that even with her curtains and blinds closed her room was a bit bright for her.

So now we have about an hour of quiet time while the kids nap before our guests arrive. I'm looking forward to a fun afternoon and evening.
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