Christmas is over. To be honest I am glad. I think that it I were ever healthy and rested on Christmas, it would probably be different. But it seems that every year I am sick and exhausted by the time Christmas rolls around. So it’s never really as fun as I expect it to be.
This year was no exception. I had planned out the whole day (Christmas Eve – the day we celebrate). I would take the kids to the TTC children’s party and they would have fun and get tired out while CJ did the last minute Christmas preparations at home. Kids and I would be back home around 1:00 and the kids would nap and CJ and I could put the presents under the tree and the gifts in the stockings and maybe we would even get a nap in before the rest of the family arrived.
Unfortunately the plans went a bit off course when we came home and Sebastian made it clear that he had no intention of going to sleep. I still feel guilty that I got so mad at him. I was so tired and I just lost my temper with him. Luckily CJ put things into perspective and made me realize that it wasn’t the end of the world if Sebastian didn’t nap. So we let the poor child out of his room, poured ourselves a drink and tried to relax.
Kenzie checking out all the presents.

The rest of the Christmas festivities went well. Andrea, Chris and my mum came over for a fabulous Christmas Eve fondue followed by the opening of gifts.
Fondue (see Andrea's tiny little 20-week baby bump - tyeh big ultrasound is tomorrow - i can't wait to hear how it went!!!)

The kids were so pleased with their presents. It’s funny – one of Seb’s FAVOURITE presents was a tooth brush he got in his stocking - it plays Thomas tunes. He walked around with that for 2 days. His other favourite present was a “marble run”. He has spent hours playing with it. I love it cause a) he doesn’t need help playing with it, b) it doesn’t make noise, and c) he and Kenzie can play with it at the same time without fighting. CJ and I are also having a lot of fun with the kids toys – I especially like the Tinker Toy set.
On Chrsitmas day CJ’s brother, Craig and Craig’s girlfriend came over.

In the afternoon we all headed over to Andrea and Chris’s house for a delicious turkey dinner cooked by Chris. Seb fell asleep in the car and ended up sleeping for quite a while on the couch. It was actually quite nice to hang out at Andrea and Chris’s place without having to worry about Seb getting into something or hurting himself.
He still sleeps with his arms above his head... Oh i want to eat him up!!!

So that was our whirlwind Christmas. It was jam packed with family, tradition and children’s excitement. Just the way I like it. But as I said before… I am glad it’s over. I am tired now and am ready for our lives to get back to normal.
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