I don’t know if anyone else is aware of this, but it is actually December now. I love December. It is a crazy busy month but it’s full of fun stuff… like white snow and Christmas lights; kids’ birthdays and birthday parties; gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies; Christmas parties; drinks with friends; Open House parties; gift exchanges; cookie exchanges etc. Our month is totally booked up already. This picture is from Sunday… the Woocks stopped by in the afternoon and the kids all made a gingerbread house.

They did a fantastic job.

Tasting the final product – post destruction.

Unfortunately CJ is going in for hernia surgery in less than two weeks. I know he is nervous but I think he will feel better once the surgery is over and he is on the road to recovery. That has got to be better than the waiting and nervousness that he is dealing with now. I am looking forward to that too because I feel so bad for him right now.
We have had snow for a couple weeks now. I am still in the phase right now where I think it looks pretty and it’s not bothering me too much. In fact, my stud-muffin of a husband put our new multi-coloured Christmas lights on the house a couple weeks ago and I think they look exceptionally great with the snow. But I’m sure come March when the snow is still on the ground, and it’s all brown and ugly I will be sick of it. Also, despite the snow it hasn’t been too cold. The temp has been hovering around 0oC. When the temp drops to -20 then I get grumpy. I gotta say though…. CJ cleaned out the garage this year and I have been parking in there instead of in the driveway and it makes a HUGE difference to my disposition in the mornings.
So this past weekend Seb got his hair cut. I am always nervous about taking him for a hair cut cause I like his long curls so much, but then every time I see how handsome and adorable he looks with his new cut I wonder why I was apprehensive in the first place.
This is post haircut picture – and also post-nap so he has a bit of bed-head.

Here’s another pic I took for my mum – she never thinks we eat enough fruit so I had to show her our weekly fruit bowl.

Kenzie came along too and she got a little trim and got her hair curled and sparkles put in. She looked adorable. This was taken with my phone camera so not the best pic, but you get the idea.

She is growing her hair to donate to locks of love. I have noticed that her hair actually grows really fast so she’ll probably be ready within the next year. She told me at the hairdresser place that she wants to get her ears pierced. I think she’d look adorable with pierced ears but I don’t want them to hurt her, so I am on the fence a bit about whether or not to take her.
We have started listening to Christmas music at home and it’s been fun. I LOVE that the kids are the perfect age to enjoy Christmas right now. They sing and dance to the music. They are already excited about my company’s kid’s Christmas party on Saturday and I am excited to take them. And Kenzie will be singing with the junior choir in her school’s Holiday Show/Recital.
Koda the dog is doing okay. She’s a sweet thing and I can’t imagine our lives without her… yet she is a handful and more often then not we come home to find she has gotten into some sort of trouble during the day (e.g. ripping up recycling cartons, chewing the kids’ toys, etc).Luckily the Woock girls have been coming to the house in the afternoon to take Koda out and play with her so she doesn’t go stir-crazy. She is also in the process of going to “doggy school” so hopefully she will improve.
Tonight CJ and I are meeting with the Delcan folks – Brian, Candace and Gus – for a Christmas drink. I am looking forward to seeing them again. On Thursday CJ and I are taking the kids to the local high school to see the students’ performance of Grease, and on Friday CJ’s mum is coming for a pre-Christmas Christmas celebration since she will be out of town over Christmas. We are also planning to put up our Christmas tree (and decorate it) on Sunday. This gives me an excuse to go shopping soon to buy a few more Christmas ornaments. I love that I can add to our collection every year.
Anyhow… that’s a basic update. We still have a lot to do to get ready for Christmas (like buy presents – I haven’t bought a single one yet), but I am typically a last-minute kind of person so I am not too stressed. What doesn’t get done, just won’t get done. I DO want to do Christmas cards this year though, so I need to get going on that ASAP since they have to get out this weekend. I have no one’s address, so that will be the most challenging part. Wish me luck… if anyone besides me reads this, please can you comment and give me your address?! I promise to send you a card and maybe even a picture of the kids :)
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