Easter and blading
I am extremely tired today but wanted to post a few pics from our Easter weekend. This is when the kids were looking for Easter eggs. We had to hide them in the basement (and close the door), since Koda would have found and eaten anything we left anywhere else in the house before the kids even woke up. CJ's mum spent teh weekend with us. Andrea and Chris & Jordana came over in teh afternoon too for turkey dinner but I didn't take any pictures (I was feeling lazy).

Their stash…

They got a ton of chocolate… too much in fact. I may have to help them eat it.

Yesterday the kids were still off of school so we spent the day biking, roller blading, playing street hockey and skateboarding. I am so glad the weather has warmed up enough to play outside. We still have a bit of snow on the ground but hopefully that'll be all gone in the next day or two. I can't believe we had almost 6 months of snow this winter. gross.
He did pretty well for his first time on roller-blades. This is before we went back to the store to buy him his own stick (kid-sized)

Kenzie is really quite confident and good at roller blading.

CJ is a total stud on skates – he skates like a hockey pro.

Poor Seb fell on his butt some many times that he was super sore last night. We had to put a cold cloth on his tailbone to soothe it a bit. He kept telling us that he had a “butt cramp”.
Have i mentioned that I am a skateboarding pro? I can even steer the damn thing.... :)

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