a much better week
I am happy to say that kenzie’s second week of camp went amazingly well. She was in a different group this wek (Science camp) and made a new “best friend” on Monday. It has made a world of difference and she is enjoying camp and CJ and I are SO happy and relieved about that.
It’s been another crazy week for us (things are never slow are they)? But it’s been a good week. Last weekend was a fun weekend. On Sunday I wanted to give CJ some peace so that he could catch up with some work stuff, so I took the kids to Bronte Park where we met up with Omi and Andrea and Chris. I took ‘big Seb’ along for the fun too. The park is great. They have a big old barn there that they’ve made into a bit of an indoor playground with lots of stuff to climb and jump off of. They also have a giant pool (more like a small lake) for swimming. Everyone had a good time – the kids went in the water (but we adults didn’t cause it was fairly cold). We stayed there for quite a while and picnic’d by the pool. After the park we headed to my mum’s for a picnic and playing in her backyard. Come 5:00 the kids were all starting to become a bit cranky (they were probably exhausted) so I packed them up and drove home. All three of my charges were asleep within 3 minutes of pulling out of mum’s driveway. It was a peaceful drive home. Here are some pictures:
In the barn
Big Seb and Kenzie jumping



Omi and Jordana

Andrea – I think this is a cute picture of her

Outside the barn

Walking to the pool

Isaac and Jordana (Kenzie and Seb’s counsins)

Jordana loved the water

Seb after his swim

Our picnic table

At Omi’s house

Then it was back to work. As previously mentioned, Kenzie had a great first day of Science Camp – WOOT. On Tuesday afternoon I headed out to New York. I had an all day meeting there on Wednesday. One of the guys I met with used to be the chief architect for the NY transit system. So he took us on a tour of the subway system and pointed out a bunch of really neat stuff (hey, I’m a transit engineer, I like this stuff!) so that was pretty cool. Even better was the fact that I was able to catch an earlier flight home and was home last night by 9:20! That was so great.
This morning I noticed that our flower gardens are looking so nice. I wanted to take some pictures so that I could look at them in 6 months time when I forget what being outside without a parka feels like. So here are a few.
from upstairs

Backyard – grass needs to be cut

The front of the house

Up closer

And closer

Our climby stuff

The models (with the bears I brought back from NY. They have come to expect a gift – even if I’m only gone one night).

Tonight Kenzie has swimming again. She is doing her two weeks of swimming right now and absolutely LOVING it. I’ll have to put her in for additional lessons later this summer. She is already doing front crawl with the side breaths. I am just so happy about it because last year she couldn’t swim and was kinda fearful of the water – so this is a big improvement for her. I love the fact that she loves swimming so much!
so pleased Kenzie had a better experience of camp.The garden looks amazing .
YAY! I am so glad she is enjoying camp better. I was thinking of her.
Your garden looks amazing. Great job!
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