its mid February... that depressing time of year when I just can't wait for spring.
I won’t say I'm feeling exactly depressed. More just bored. I'm bored at work, bored at home (I love my family dearly but we seem to lack the ability to come up with fun stuff to do together these days), and we don’t have much of a social life right now cause all our friends are so busy with kids' sports and school.
kinda old pic - from last fall, but i love it

We have all been struggling with health issues lately. First we all got chest colds... but really bad ones. I think CJ and I have probably used up half our annual vacation days in the last month between us being home sick and staying home with sick kids. I think (knock on wood) that we are almost out of the worst... but now CJ has an ear infection which is causing him A LOT of grief. So i hope the antibiotics will kick in soon.
Kenz and Seb are doing pretty good these days. They both seem to have settled into school - and, at least for the rest of this year, I expect things to continue to go smoothly. I still think Seb is bored but he's not complaining as much as he used to. We are considering private schools for him next year (since the public school gifted program doesn't start till grade 4). They are doing some things for him at his school (like giving him grade 2 writing and some extra challenging math stuff) so we'll see if that helps to challenge him. and kenzie (who also tested gifted) will have the choice to stay where she is or to go to the "gifted" public school next year. Unfortunately I think that right now, if I were to ask her, she'd make the decision purely on whether or not her friends will be at the school. In any case, I am kinda avoiding thinking about it - or at least making any decisions - right now. at the moment they like their school, they have friends and are relatively comfortable so that is all I can hope for.
Hmmmm…. what else…. Seb has officially quit hockey. It just became too much of a battle. I just rented a violin and will start lessons next week. Kenzie had a breakthrough this week with swimming. Since her bad experience at the public swimming lesson a few months back (where her bitch of an instructor yelled at her and scared her so much) so she never wanted to go in the pool again…. Well this week she has a swimming lesson through the school. She was so apprehensive and scared before going – tears, anxiety etc. But she was brave and she went and she had a GREAT time. So I was very proud of her but also so pleased that hopefully now she can start enjoying swimming again like she used to.
So... what else? I really have nothing to complain about. I AM however looking forward to some nicer weather and longer days where we can spend more time outside - winters in Canada can become kinda isolating if you don’t make a conscious effort to get out of the house. I guess that’s it for my update. Hopefully I will start blogging more often again. I’ve missed it kinda…
In any case, thought I'd post some "somewhat recent" photos....
Seb and Lily - still 2 peas in a pod

kenzie and jordana at omi's house

the people I adore

Beautiful. I hope you are all doing well. It has been awhile.-h
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