Monday, June 06, 2005

Sebastian's Baptism

Originally uploaded by karenandcj.
Well the weekend is over. and I am EXHAUSTED! It was an eventful weekend. It all went fairly well. The dinner party on Saturday was a hit - although it got pretty cold outside towards the end of the evening so we all came back inside and continued the party there.

Sebastian's Baptism was wonderful. He was such a good boy. He was so darn cute and good (sleeping in my arms during the service). I was so proud of him. His head smelled so yummy yesterday with the Christening oil on it.

Andrea's boyfriend took some pictures but they were all a bit dark because of the lighting in the church. This is a picture of afterwards once we were home and dressed in our casual clothes again.

So Dad, Andrea and Chris left this morning and mum is leaving tomorrow. I will miss everyone but I am also glad to get back into our normal routine again. Haven't been sleeping too much lately - with entertaining and Sebastian waking up twice a night. What I would do for 9 hours of solid sleep!

Okay well enough rambling. I have a ton of work to do today so I better get started!

God Bless You Sebastian!


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