Sunday, July 31, 2005


Went to the zoo this morning. Got up WAY TOO early, rushed around madly to get ready, made a picnic, packed everyone into the car and headed to the zoo. Met up with our pals the Wheelers and half the Laceys (the male half, Steve and Julian - the female half, Nabila and Jasmine (still in N's tummy) stayed home for some much needed R&R). Walked around for 2 hours - kids got tired, packed everyone and everything back up in the car and headed home. CJ and I ate our part of the picnic in the car while the kiddos napped.

Got home... rushed around madly to get kids into their beds before they woke up and decided to skip naps.

Quiet.. we did it!!!!!!

CJ and I fell into bed exhausted. Ahhhh.. perfect. What is better than a nap on a sunday afternoon.

<10 minutes later>


Kenzie needs to poo.

So she's sitting on the potty singing and banging the toilet cover against the back of the toilet. I realize that an afternoon nap is probably NOT going to happen.

Conversation between CJ and I.

Me: wouldn't it be nice to take a 2 hour nap and then go sailing and drink G&T's on the boat like we used to do before kids.

CJ: um hm

Me: tell me again why we had kids.

CJ: um


CJ: I think it was the tax break.

me: [thinking]

me: Was it worth it?


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