Dad's visit
Dad came to visit yesterday. He was only here for a day. He flew his plane from Nelson, through the Rocky Mountains. Pretty impressive. Can you believe he built this thing by himself. Here's it is.

He is currently on his way down to Portland to visit some relatives.
Dad has changed a lot since I was younger. He has mellowed out quite a bit. It's really nice to see him with his grandkids - he's so softspoken and gentle with them. Here are a couple pics from this weekend.
We went for a walk and Kenzie DID NOT want to sit in her stroller. Instead she wanted to walk with Opa and hold his hand. SO CUTE!!!

Seb gave Dad lots of smiles too.

.... and what's a visit without smelly Madison. He really is a sweet dog. It's a shame he smells so bad. Dad told me that he got a deodorizer for Madison. I'm not sure if he used it or not, but I noticed a distinct "vinegar-like" smell to Madison this time.

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