I used to be in shape and work out. In fact many moons ago I trained for triathlons, competed in several and even won an award or two. But those days are long gone. These days I am 30 pounds overweight, tired all the time, never exercise and get winded walking up a hill.
I finally decided to join a gym. Ironically, the reason I decided this wasn't actually to get into shape or lose weight - it was to help improve my mental state. Now, just to clarify - I am not nutso... just feeling a bit down and stressed-out lately. I thought that some exercise might help me emotionally because a) I would have some "Karen-time", and b) "they" say it helps with depression.
Yesterday at lunch, I went to look at a little gym, conveniently located in my office building.. I decided to dive right in and join. Today I brought my workout clothes and after my morning meeting I worked out. I did a programmed exercise on the stationary bike for 30 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of walking uphill on the treadmill. It was a little bit demoralizing to find out how out of shape I am compared to a few years ago, but I had prepared myself for that.
After my 40 minute workout I was hot, red-faced, sweaty and so friggin happy! I had forgotten how great that endorphin rush is. I have been working hard since then and only stopped to take a short break for lunch. I am amazed at how great I feel, how I can concentrate on work and how life just seems a bit rosier. I hope I can continue to keep this up.
- the end
Now, no post would be complete without some pictures of the kiddos. So here they are.
Kenzie about to give Sebby a hug - he absolutely adores her.


A little bit dark but here is my cutie petutie Kenzie-boo

I would like to add that Kenzie is now on day 6 of wearing only big girl pants during the day. I am so very proud of her.
Good job at working out at the gym. I for one knows it helps with depression because it helped me. I wish I could still go but Cory is still out of town. One day I will get back there. My membership expires at the end of the month so when I get back from summer holidays, I am going to get a year membership and get into a routine.
Your kids are so dang cute! I see Seb's teeth in that pic!
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