weekends rock
I love weekends. It's only 3:00 on Saturday but I've already had a great day. This morning Ellen and Katrina, and Kelly, Max and Alex came over. Kelly, Ellen and I worked on shower invitations for Dawn and Darwin's shower. I am getting very addicted to stamping. It is fun and I love the look of handmade stuff. Here is the final product.

It was fun to hang out with 'the girls'. :) I feel like I am just getting to know both Ellen and Kelly, but I think both of them are great women. I am glad we are friends and I look forward to getting to know them better. I think Sebastian enjoyed having the company of little lady Alex too. They did a lot of head grabbing and goobering each other in the face. Should I be worried?
It was so cool watching Kenzie and Max play too (Katrina went home early so I didn't get to witness all three playing - since they were outside with CJ the whole time). But when they came inside Kenzie and Max actually played with each other! They were talking to each other, having conversation, playing with cars and pretending to eat snacks (play doh snacks). They were adoreable together - saying please and thankyou to each other and sharing toys. Cute cute cute!

Right now both kids are sleeping. Soon my dad will be arriving and then we're heading over to our friend Tim's house to watch the Ohio State vs Penn State football game. Dawn went to Penn State so I have a feeling there will be a lot of smack-talking going on between her and CJ. It will be entertaining.
Life is good! :)
awe K that is so great - all of it. I really love those invites... I love homemade stuff too.. and the pics of the kids are great. They look like they were having a balll - and I am sure CJ was too ;)
those invites look fantastic. the kids look like they had a blast together. very cool.
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