the day after
well Christmas is over. As always, I feel a little sad. I get so excited for Christmas that when it actually comes it feels almost a bit anticlimatic. No one in our house is sleeping well.Kenzie has been up in the middle of the night the last two nights because of her cold. CJ and I have both been dealing with insomnia. I think it's a combination of Christmas excitement and other things going on in our lives. Work is really busy and stressful for me these days. And Andrea's wedding is coming up very soon and we are not ready. We still need to buy flight tickets, buy a flower girl dress for Kenzie, a suit for CJ and a matron of honour dress for me. Which brings me to my next thought... I'm fat. The holiday season was not good for my waistline. I'm already having problems losing pregnancy weight and now I think I gained about 6 pounds (I am too scared to step on the scale). I am going to look like a fat cow compared to tall, skinny Andrea at her wedding. I am starting another Isagenix cleanse today. Hopefully I'll get through these 9 days and feel better about myself afterwards.
anyhow... backing up a bit. Yesterday we had a fairly lazy day at home. The kids played with their new toys... and of course the old standard... pots and wooden spoons are always a hit....

Then we had some friends stop by for a visit. The kids all had fun playing together and I enjoyed hanging out and talking to "our peeps".

Halfway through the party Kenzie decided she needed to change. This is what she came up with... She refused to put pants on.

Steve brought over his XBox remote and a game so the men-boys had fun playing car chase games.... [sigh.....] boys!!! Ha ha.. i was teasing CJ about that but in reality it made me happy to see him enjoying his present.
So today, I may take Kenzie shopping for the flower-girl dress. Depending on everyone's mood, we may even paint the toy benches that the kids got for Christmas from granddad and grandma. CJ did a fantastic job putting them together. We are going to put their names on them and then let the kids paint them... you know.. hand & foot etc. It should be fun.

Karen, you shouldn't be so down on yourself about your weight. The holidays are rough on everyone.
Good luck finding all the wedding stuff! And I love those benches, they are beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Looks like a lot of fun, Karen. Kenzie makes me laugh.
Good luck with the wedding shopping.
I understand how you feel about the weight thing. My MIL is here and cooking for us, so if I haven't already gained about 10 lbs from all the yummy things she makes, then I will before she leaves next week. (I just can't resist those chocolate oatmeal cookies...)
Can't wait to see the painted benches!
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