Hippiness and all that
So in college (university, as we Canucks like to say) I discovered that I was born about 15 years to late. My calling was/is to live in a hippy commune. I have always thought that living in a commune would be the best thing in the world. To live every day with your friends/family. To raise our kids together. To help each other through rough times - emotionally, economically, physically (and I don't mean that is a sexual way :) ).
anyhow... this afternoon we went to our friends, the Wheelers. All our friends were there... the whole gang... the Wheelers, the Laceys, the Martins (including Charles), the Drozes, the Kenyon/Barkers, Mr Brown, Andy (I apologize if I missed anyone). I realized that it's almost like we DO live on a commune (except for the SEX part ha ha ha). We had a dozen little kids running around (by the way, where the hell did all these kids come from?!?!?) and I swear an outsider wouldn't know which kid belonged to which adults. All of us love all the little ones - everyone as much as our own. Everyone helps everyone. We all love each other. Everyone is friends. I just was overcome with the love and friendship.
Thanks for the fun afternoon Wheelers. To all our friends: thanks for the friendship, love and good times. I love you all.
p.s. sorry for being so sappy.
p.s.s. Ladies: Don't forget girls night out on Tuesday.
p.s.s.s Sam and Charles... I am so pyched that I'm going to your wedding
p.s.s.s.s CJ... everytime I think of books and TV now I will giggle.
I have to add this pic cause it's so cute.

Seb is just adorable@
I'm with Andrea - your life sounds like lots of fun, Karen!
And Sebby is such a cutie, as always. :)
Just to clarify a few things for the rest of you readers.
My house is NOT A HIPPIE COMMUNE. My family ARE NOT HIPPIES. We don't smoke dope, we don't have long hair, we bathe regularly, we eat meat, we HATE the Grateful Dead, we don't buy VWs, we own several toothbrushes, we comb our hair, we own a TV, we have running water, we have bathrooms with toilets that flush, we drink Vodka - not Pabst, and last but not least....we have jobs too.
See, told you we weren't hippies.
"THE" Wheeler
PS: And my kid didn't even run around naked that day....see...NOT HIPPIES!! NOT HIPPIES!!!
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