Thursday, March 23, 2006

it's been 4 years

CJ, it's been 4 years since we married. You are truly the man of my dreams.

I love you more every day we are together. You are the most honest, moral, kind and intelligent man I know. You are gentle and funny. You are protective and sweet. You are charming. Oh yah, did I mention that you are SEXAY???

You are an incredible person. I love you with all my heart. I love all the little things you do.

Thank you for making me coffee every morning

Thank you for opening and closing the car door for me EVERY TIME.

I love that do crafts with the kids.

I have developed an appreciation for your fashion style (for Kenzie).

I love that you make the kids heart shaped chicken sandwiches for dinner.

You are an incredible father.

I love that you and Kenzie can sit outside and swing when it's pouring rain outside.

I love that when we first got together you painted my toenails. I love that now, you also paint kenzie's.

I am so proud of you. and I am proud to be your wife.

Happy Anniversary, honey. I love you with all my heart!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW it has been 4 years that you have been married. That is so wonderful and seems like your wedding was just last year even tough tons has happened in those 4 years. I am so glad you are in my life. Love ya Deb

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops spelled though wrong. funny how it came out tough. Deb

4:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Karen & CJ.


8:41 AM  
Blogger JL said...

you are making me cry...
congrats you two!

5:24 PM  
Blogger Bek said...

Awww...that is so sweet. I love to hear about other HAPPILY married people. It's such a rare find these days!You are very blessed.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Leigh said...

Sob, sob, sob...
Congrats to you both!

4:31 PM  

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