Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So the weekend was a good one – despite my grumpy moods. I was really up and down this weekend and spent way too much time in a grumpy funk. But between though pissy moods we had a lot of good times… in fact even when I was in a grumpy mood everyone else still had fun which is good.

On Saturday afternoon my dad arrived. The kids were thrilled to see him. We didn’t do too much exciting. I think dad and CJ took the kids to the park after dinner while I tidied up. In the evening we watched an awesome hockey game - Montreal Canadians (my team) vs. Toronto Maple Leafs (Dad’s and CJ’s team). We were terrible parents and bribed Kenzie to route for our respective teams. I won out cause I gave her chocolate.

On Sunday I woke up very early. Kenzie and Sebastian “helped” me prepare some things – like getting the turkey ready (Kenzie asked “Mummy, are you going to put a diaper on the turkey?”… ha), stuffing, potatoes etc. CJ went for a run in the morning and I went for a nice bike ride around the lake. During this time, Dad made his famous apple pie – mmm mmm mmm. When I got back I met up with my dad and CJ and the kids at the park. We decided to all for a bike ride – meaning that I took the kids in the carrier, CJ ran beside us and my dad rode CJ’s mountain bike. It was a beautiful day and I’m so glad we were able to get some fresh air. We ended up at another park. All teh fresh air made for some good naps after we got home.

The guests started arriving at 3:00 – my sister Andrea and her husband Chris were actually on time. This totally threw me. They are always late, so since I wanted them to arrive at 4:00 I told Andrea to come at 3:00. At 2:54 the doorbell rang. I wasn’t prepared at all. My mum had come earlier to help set up and Isabella and Nina came at 4:00. We spent a couple hours just hanging out. Everyone congregated in the kitchen (as usual) while the dinner preparations were underway. It was perfect. This is exactly why CJ and I wanted an open concept house with an island in the kitchen. We did discover though that we need a few more counter stools.

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CJ also put his Xbox to use when he used it to play a slideshow of pictures on the TV. It was a nice “side distraction – mellow entertainment thing”.

Then the kids got spoiled. Kenzie got a dozen pink roses from Andrea (Andrea and Kenzie are darling together… my heart melts every time I see them). Sebby got some chocolate rocks – which I promptly store away for my consumption at a later time. They also got gifts from Opa, Nina, and Isabella. Aren’t holidays wonderful?

Here’s a pic of Kenzie with one of her roses and her personalized box of cookies from Isabella.
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Soon it was time to eat. We had a great dinner with delicious food and lots of laughs. Several time throughout the course of dinner it was mentioned how nice it was to have the whole family together again for a holiday. It really was nice. No, not just nice – it was wonderful. I have a LOT to be thankful for this year.

btw, ignore the various effects on these pics. i was testing out different settings on my camera. :)

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This picture makes me smile.
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