another weekend flew by
Another weekend has past. This was a pretty good one. On Friday night CJ went bowling with his coworkers so the kids and I were on our own. We actually had a really nice evening. They were good, didn’t whine too much, went to bed without a fuss. In fact, it’s one of the best evenings we’ve had for a while.
Saturday I took Sebby for his first swim lesson. It was the first time we went to this pool. It’s an awesome pool with a whole section for toddlers.

The water is only about 2 and a half feet high at the deepest part. It also has a giant whale slide for the little ones. Sebastian was great and had so much fun. (Kenzie came to watch, but in retrospect that probably wasn’t a good idea since Kenzie wanted to swim so badly and was jealous). She gets to go to her lesson this Wednesday though.
While the kids were napping Andrea came over for a visit and CJ went for a run. I think th epoor guy overdid it. He ran about 6 miles which is awesome. But he hasn’t been running too much lately so his muscles were somewhat sore for the rest of the weekend (note… understatement)
On Saturday night we dropped the kids off at Omi’s and we went to dinner and Cathy and Dan’s house. The dinner was great and it was so nice to see Cathy again. We had a great evening with lots of good conversation, plenty of CC & coke and many laughs. We also kept track of the scores from the hockey and basketball games. Dan makes the best pecan pie ever and is a Habs fan. Cathy – you chose well!
Yesterday I spent most of the day at the office while CJ hung out with the kiddos. He also took them to buy new shoes since they are out of the snow boots now and have outgrown last year’s shoes. They were quite pleased with their selections.

Tonight after the kids are in bed CJ and I are looking forward to sitting down and watching the basketball game – GO Buckeyes!!!
Is it just me - or has Kenz adopted Seb's "smile". They are too cute. I truly admire how much joy you and your family get out of just the simplest things. You inspire me. :)
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