i can't complain
Okay things are going well these days. So much to talk about. Let’s start with Friday – it was CJ’s and my anniversary. Our 5th. On one hand the time has flown by so quickly. On the other hand I cant believe how much we have done together over the past 5 years. I sometimes think that once we become adults we stop growing as quickly as we do as kids…. Emotionally and intellectually. However, you become an adult I think we grow in different way that are just less tangible… like learning life’s lessons. Anyhow. CJ and I had a wonderful anniversary dinner and best of all was the fact that my mum took the kids overnight so CJ and I got to sleep in yesterday morning.
Since we had a good part of the day without kids, CJ and I went grocery shopping together. It was like old times when we use to love shopping together. We strolled through the grocery store without rushing, without feeling like we were on borrowed time, without listening to whining or begging for treats. It was great.
Then CJ went to get the kids and left me at home to watch some TV and relax. It was soooo nice. When they got home the kids were in great moods.

Last night we went to our friend house for dinner. Their 3 girls and one of the kid’s friends basically took charge of Mackenzie and Sebastian for the whole night. Not only did we have a wonderful dinner with great company but we got free babysitting too.
This morning the kids decided that they wanted to test out their new rain boots and do some puddle jumping. It was hilarious. I was envious and wished I had a pair of rubber boots too. Too fun. I am really getting excited about spring. Now that the weather is getting warmer and the snow is melting I feel all energized and ready to get my hands dirty and start gardening, going for walks, bike riding etc.

On a completely different note, I went to a conference this week. Its focus was sustainable communities. I am so inspired. I really want to start focusing my career on this type of work. I’m even thinking about going for my LEED accreditation. It would be a ton of work to study for it but I think it would awesome to have and good for my career. So we’ll see. There’s an architect in my office who recently got it and I will ask her for her study materials so I can get an idea of whether it’s doable or not.
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