friends and camping
I was sick this week. Just a cold I think but I felt like crap. On Thursday CJ and I both took the day off (although I spent most of it working from home). It was still nice not to go into the office. I did get some scrapbooking done – I finished a baby album for a friend of mine. You can see the final pages here if you are interested. I’m pretty happy with it.
On Friday I had to go to the office because I had a proposal due. It sucked being in there but I gutted through it and got everything done by about 12:30.My mum picked up the kids from daycare in the morning and took them back to her place so I had the afternoon to myself. It was heaven. I did some scrapbooking and then Andrea came over and we watched a movie together – Little Miss Sunshine. What a super great movie.
In the evening I caught up on some TV shows – WTF was up with Grey’s Anatomy this week. You can’t leave people hanging like that. Grrrrr. CJ went out with some buddies after work and they went to a studio and played music and had fun. It made me very happy that he has people to play music with here.
On Saturday CJ and I slept in – wonderful!! In the afternoon mum brought the kids back and joined us and our friends (the only ones we have in Toronto - Brian and Sue) for dinner. WE actually made a full-on turkey dinner and it was so easy.
It was really fun. I love when we get together. Their girls love our kiddos and basically baby-sit for us the whole night so we can have adult conversation.

At one point CJ and Brian got out the guitars and started playing. Brian’s daughter Shannon is learning how to play too. It was pretty cool watching them all. Sue even jumped in their and started singing.

Sebby totally has a crush on Rachel. And she adores him. So cute.

Brian & Sue also invited us to join them and a bunch of their friends for a 4 day camping trip at the beginning of July. I am really excited about it. There will be 7 families and a zillion kids. We have friends here! We really do – and they like us. HA!
Today it’s really cold out so we decided to have an indoor day. We put the tent up in the living room and have been playing in there. The kids and I also made some cookies. Mmm mmm mmm.
I am not looking forward to work tomorrow. I am still feeling a bit under the weather and the weekend went by so fast. Oh well – we’ll have another weekend in 5 days.
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