last weekend of jan 2007 in review
Wow, the weekend flew by! On Friday, Mackenzie’s school had their monthly assembly and we were invited to go to see her accept her Student of the Month Award. I had a conference to go to so I couldn’t make it, But CJ, Sebastian and Omi all went. I’m so proud of our Boo. 6 months ago there is no way she’d want to go up in front of all these people. On Friday, though, she told CJ that he couldn’t come with her and that she had to go by herself. Here are all the kids at the assembly.

and here’s our Boo walking up to accept her award.

and finally up front receiving her award.

After the assembly, Omi took both kids home with her. She took them to the library, got k’s hair cut, took them to Swiss Chalet and then had them sleep over at her house. Meanwhile, I TOTALLY enjoyed my afternoon to myself. I bought some supplies for scrapbooking and then came home and made some things for a scrap exchange I am participating in. Then CJ and I went out for dinner (mmmmm sushi) and then went to our curling game. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that curling with a good buzz is actually very fun. I even played one of my best games. Note- in the future get shit-faced before curling (ha ha… okay maybe not THAT much). Saturday I went grocery shopping and then came home and set up my new “craft area”. CJ put this desk that we had in our basement in the guest room for me and I set myself up in there. It's an awesome area - everything is at my finger tips, the room is super bright and best of all when I'm done I can close the door and leave everything out.

I did a couple more pages too. As soon as my cricut arrives I am going to start on a baby album that I am making for some friends who just had a baby boy 2 weeks ago.Here’s a page I just did. I’m happy with it.

Okay, so Saturday afternoon CJ and I picked up the kids from Omi’s and then came home and just hung out all evening. We let the kids stay up late, and went through all our old CDs and listened to music and danced.

We also had some fun with the timer feature on the camera.

Okay, so yesterday… day started with some hanging around and eating a big breakfast. Then we hit Canadian Tire and bought some real skates for Sebby. Then went to Omi’s house and let the kids nap. Cj spent almost 2 hours shovelling all the ice off her driveway. Once the kids woke up we all went skating. It was a lot of fun. Seb was a bit cranky – maybe his new skates hurt or maybe it’s cause he’s getting a cold? But Kenzie did great. They had pylons there and she was able to hold onto one and skate by herself. I was impressed. After skating we went back to Omi’s and had dinner. She also invited Glenda and Tony over. It was a lot of fun. Good food (AMAZNG FOOD), great company, lots of wine. What a great way to end the weekend. Unfortunately today is Monday and to be honest it’s a bit of a let-down after the fun weekend Oh well, we get another one in 4 days…. I can’t wait.
I’d like to leave you with this picture of our gorgeous daughter.

Hey - I notice the desk. Darwin had some great creative moments there :)
Congrats to "Kenzie". Yeah...nice desk too.
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