Sunday, December 30, 2007


My sweet baby girl. Now you are 5. And you are most definitely your own person.

I love seeing your little quirks and sweet personality develop. You have your own likes and dislikes. The older you get the more I realize how sensitive you are. You are so easily hurt. I just want to protect you all the time. You are strong and brave though. I see this more and more when you march into new situations with your head up and a brave face. I love that you are so willing to try new things even when I think you are a little bit scared. This year I was so impressed seeing you tackle skating. I was also so proud of you when you learned to read. Reading seems so difficult – there are no straightforward rules for this skill, and yet, you just take all the little hurdles in stride. You are such a wonderful big sister and I love how you are always thinking about your brother. It makes me so happy knowing that you two are close. You two really get along so well for siblings.

And your art….. I truly believe that you are very talented. In the last year you have grown from drawing scribbles to being able to draw so many different things – princesses, houses, unicorns, flowers, cats. I love seeing the pictures you draw. And you take so much time and effort in your creations. Nothing you do is done half-way.

My dear, I hope that as you continue to grow, you will become more confident and will know what a wonderful person you are. I hope that you will continue to face your fears and be proud of your accomplishments. I hope that this year I will be able to spend more one-on-one time with you, talking, playing and getting to know you more.

I love you my sweet baby girl and I always will!


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