Last Day of Summer 2009
So… today is the last day of the summer. That is just crazy to me. Yesterday was a beautiful day but there was something in the air that just reminded me of the fall – maybe it was a smell, or the fact that the morning was really cool and crisp before it got warm In any case, I am just not ready for the summer to end. Yesterday I spent a long time tending to the plants out front. We haven’t had much rain lately and everything is really dry. I gave all the plants a good soaking, did some dead-heading and fertilized the planters. This morning they already looked a lot better and healthier. Here are some pics of Seb helping me….

It was a weird weekend. It went by way too fast. I was in the office for about 6 hours on Saturday so that probably has something to do with the fact that I feel jipped (sp?). I just brought in a really big project last week. I am super thrilled about that but I am also completely overwhelmed. I can barely keep up with the work I have let alone take on more. It is so much work and I don’t know how we are going to get it all done by the deadline. I have been totally stressed out about that and having a hard time sleeping at night. So my plan for this week is to focus and get the ball rolling and try to hand off as much of the work as possible.
In any case, yesterday I got to spend some time just hanging out with the kids. We went to the park and I took some pics of our monkeys….

My grumpster

The kids are doing pretty well. Kenzie seems to be struggling a bit at school. Not necessarily with the school work – more of a confidence thing. She is in a class with only seven other grade 2 kids and the rest are grade 3s. She seems really insecure about school stuff (like a presentation she has to do for the class in two weeks). She is also sitting at a “cube” with a kid who was in her class last year and he is known for being a bit of a bully and he seems to be getting on her case. So my heart goes out to her and I wish I could make everything better for her. I am going to call her teacher this week and see if we can have a chat.

Seb seems to be doing well. We got a note home from his teacher last week. It said “Sebastian threw out his applesauce because he doesn’t like it”. For some reason this note just cracks me up. I stuck it up on our fridge. I can just picture him having a little “discussion” with his teacher and stamping his foot when she told him to eat his applesauce and him saying “I hate applesauce”. Ugh… I pity his teacher. Although she seems to be a seasoned vet and I am sure Seb has met his match in her.
In other news… we have a new family member. Her name is Sandy. She’s a funny little cat. Was the runt of her litter, but seems to hold her own in our household. She weighs 0.46kg (1 lbs) and Koda (75lbs) is scared of her and runs to her crate whenever Sandy hisses at her. She seems to “bounce” everywhere she goes and has the cutest little meow and the loudest purr ever!

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