determination, and style
I have never met a more determined and stubborn person than Sebastian. When he doesn't get what he wants he throws such a bloody fit that 90% of the time we give in just to shut him up. I know... terrible, but he just does NOT give up! He has been like since since we tried to let him cry-it-ot at 5 months old and he beat us down - over an entire week of screaming for hours. So we need to function and sometimes giving in is what it takes. Anyhow, lately we've had a few issues again. He's been sleeping through the night every night for a while now, but this week he started waking up at 4:30 wanting a bottle. Thinking it was a one-off occurance we gave him a bottle. After a week of this, CJ and I agreed to let him cry until he went back to sleep. This morning he screamed (it wasn't even an upset scream.. it was a "get the hell out of bed and get over here to me or I'll scream as loud as I can just to piss you off" - scream) from 4:30 until 6:00 when his sister woke up from all the racket. Yup... and Seb got his bottle. I know we need to be tougher with him or else we're in big trouble when he's a teenager.... But I swear he has the determination of Lance Armstrong and the stubborness of a bull. But look at him - so damn cute.

Kenzie has developed her own style. This morning she told me that orange was no longer her favourite colour. It is now pink (ack). Everything she touched or ate today had to be pink. We went to the outlet stores in North Bend today. In the Gap store there were these darling little chenielle (sp?) jackets for girls. They had a bunch in solid colours which I loved and then one with stripes in every single colour available - which I thought was hideous and really tacky. That's the one Mackenzie HAD to have. So of course, being as I want to support and encourage her independence and free-choice etc, she got the striped one. Then we went into the shoe pavillion. They had all kinds of adorable kids shoes... little addidas running shoes, cool high top converse, vans and lots of other fun shoes. Kenzie wanted (and of course, got) these.... (insert horrified expression)

Kenzie didn't want to nap this afternoon. So I told her she could hang out with me in the office if she was quiet. Here she is.

These kids!!!!. They walk all over me. It's a good thing that CJ is home with them during the day, because although he is a softie, he's not a complete pushover like me.
Your kids are adorable! I am a pushover like you! haha!
you know maybe its a good thing we live across the country from each other! our kids would be relentless together.
love the pictures, they are adorable as usual!
Just wanted to add Ben has been asking and asking for thomas running shoes. I might give in. I don't know though haha! I swore I'd be the mom who didn't let her kids have any character stuff but it's so cute when they pick out things themselves.
All I can say is Seb is JUST LIKE BEN! Scary! I (obviously) give in too much too.. but they are so darn cute aren't they?
and um, I love the pink! I know I know... I am such a girl!
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