Happy Thanksgiving
Canadian Thanksgiving that is. :)
In honour of Canadian Thanksgiving, this post is about the things I am thankful for.
1. My family. :) CJ, you are the love of my life. Kenzie and Sebastian, I would do ANYTHING for you. I love you completely and unconditionally (is that the same thing?) and all I hope for is that you both have happy lives.
My dad was here this weekend. It was nice to see him again. I can't believe that he will be 70 in a few months. I don't want my parents to get old. :( I am always amazed at how gentle and loving he is with his grandkids. You can tell that he loves them.

It was also really cool that Kenzie got over her nervousness around Maddison. That dog is so friggin calm and so great with kids. The kids were all over him all day yesterday and he just took it.

2. Our friends. Steve and Nabila came over yesterday with the chilluns to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. They are two of the coolest people I know. I remember the first time I had a conversation with Steve - it was at a bar where Cousin Phil was playing - and we started talking about cooking and cooking shows. I thought he was the nicest guy and so easy to talk to. Nabila (don't you just LOVE that name... Nabila) is such a sweetheart. I can't imagine Nabila ever saying a bad word about anyone. I can't imagine her getting stressed about anything. She is calmness and sweetness combined. She is a natural mother and a great friend. I am very glad to know you N!
I got to hold Jasmine and feel her fall asleep in my arms. She is SERIOUSLY an adorable baby. I told Nabila this and it's true. I usually don't think babies are that cute. Not until they get to be around 3 months old. But baby Jasmine... she has the cutest little baby cheeks and perfect doll-like lips. awwww. I miss her right now.
Here's a picture of the beautiful family (minus Julian who was in baby jail at the time).

3. My work: Where I can walk into the kitchen every morning to put my lunch in the fridge and see pictures of Kenzie and Sebastian up on the bulletin board. Our office manager had the pics printed out and she put them up there. It warms my heart every time I see them.
4. Thanksgiving leftovers!
Awwww...your Dad doesn't look almost 70!! He looks young! I know how you feel, though. My Dad is going to be 68 this year :(
I love Nabila's name too. I have a friend named Nahita...I love that just as much!
Happy Thanksgiving Canadian!
Do you eat turkey like we do on this day?
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