first saturday of november
well I couldn't have asked for anything to happen any differently today. It was great. CJ got up with the kids this morning and let me sleep in. I finally got my toukas out of bed at about 9:00. We all just hung out and relaxed. Here is CJ and Kenzie drawing pizzas.

Here's K-boo being cute.

At about 11:00 Steven showed up. We haven't seen Steven in over a year (for those of you not "in the know", Steven was the one who introduced CJ and I - we have him to thank for each other, and indirectly, for our wonderful family.) We all enjoyed fabulous spicy bloody ceasars made by my sexy husband. They were yummy. He even added some jumbo shrimp and olives - mmmmmmmmm Did I mention that they were yummy!

I then snuck out to get my hair done - how relaxing. It was nice. I had a good conversation with the hairdresser about extensions. She had me convinced that I should get them (they look natural, feel natural, stay in for 6 months etc) until she told me the price ...... $2000. Uh, maybe not.
After I came home, we (CJ, Steven and I) watched some football and relaxed while the kiddos napped.
The kids woke up and soon after, we headed out to Kristina's first birthday party. Everyone had a blast. The kids had fun and CJ and I had fun too. Our friends were all there and we enjoyed pizza and beer. What could be better?
Here are some pictures.
The birthday girl with an adoring Seb. Isn't she is gorgeous!

Here is George and Seb. George is so awesome - he is like a grandfather to all our little ones.

And here are all the kiddos enjoying the pizza.

Pete and Hadley throw a good party!!
CJ has gone out to play poker now... I don't know how he can... I am so sleepy and I slept in today. I better go to bed now since I promised CJ that HE could sleep in tomorrow. I hope he wins lots of money tonight. If he does, we're going out for sushi tomorrow.
It was a good day.
G'nite. Sleep well.
we're goin' out for sushi tonight
yippee sushi - way to go CJ!
Kenzie's hair is getting so so long and pretty! I cannot believe kristina is a year old! time flies....
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