Halloween and other sleep deprived ramblings
Yesterday was Halloween. I felt bad for Kenzie because she kind of got jipped. CJ and Sebby are both very sick so she didn't get to do any fun halloween stuff during the day yesterday (I was hoping she'd come to the office in the afternoon in her costume and get candy from everyone, but that didn't happen because it was just too much for CJ - which I totally understand).
Anyway, CJ picked me up from work yesterday. When we got home we put Kenzie's costume on. She was so excited about trick or treating. She had been practicing saying T or T all day. Here she is all ready to go.

Look how darn adorable she is... I want to snuggle her up right now.

Here she is posing with the two pumpkins CJ carved. Didn't he do a fantastic job?

So K and I headed over to the Lacey's house (left the sickos at home) for a delicious dinner and some trick or treating. The Wheelers were there too. It was so fun to see teh kids dressed up. Julian was a tiger and Gabbie was Jo Jo. Here are some pictures of the kids getting their loot.

Poor kids - it started pouring rain, but they seemed unphased by it - especially since they had a pretty kick-ass mode of transportation.

Once we finished trick or treating we went back to the Lacey's and let the kids dig in. I always feel bad for Kenzie since I have to take away almost all her candy (peanut allergy thing). But she seemed perfectly content with her bag of skittles, 4 lolly pops and princess toothbrush.
OKay... the rest of teh evening is a bit of a blur. I got home, Kenzie went to bed and I stayed up with Sebby. How he can stay awake for so long, I do not understand. Finally at 2:30 am I drugged him (benadryl). He passed out at 3 and I got a few hours of sleep. I am running on empty today.
What a doll Kenzie is. It sounds like she had fun!
I hope little Seb is feeling better soon, and you're able to catch up on some sleep.
Kenzie IS so sweet! love that costume. Poor CJ and Seb. I swear I felt the same way about Ben - how can he stay awake so long???!!! I hope you get some sleep tonight.
Oh yeah - those pumpkins are UNBELIEVEABLE!!!
cute shots! A princess toothbrush? SCORE!
We had a house in our neighborhood handing out beers to the parents...
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