good start to Monday
Saturday is my favourite day, Friday my second favourite and Monday is my LEAST favourite. It's always a downer to come back to work after a fun weekend with my family. I'm also usually pretty exhausted from our weekend festivities.
Today however, I'm in a pretty good mood. This morning I was ready for work on time... even 10 minutes early. I went into Kenzie's room to say goodbye. She was a little bit sad that mummy was going to work, but we talked about things and I think she felt better by the time I left. We talked about all our grand adventures starting in just two days... a big plane ride, 14 days with no work, seeing Omi and Andrea and being in a wedding. She knows that she and I are going to walk down the aisle together. This morning she asked me if we could dance down the aisle and I could twirl her around. I thought that was adorable. I know that when the time comes, she'll be terrified and I'll be lucky to carry her down the aisle... but her excitement and enthusiasm made me smile.
Another good thing that brightened my mood. Liberia has elected a new president. A woman!! WOMEN RULE! After 13 years of civil war, they have elected a new president that I believe (not that I am an expert)... I guess I should say, I have heard and read that if anyone can pull Liberia out of it's depressed situation, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the person for the job. She is an economist and seems very well qualified. I hope to see great things happening in that country.
On another note... my friend Karen came over yesterday with her brood - Ethan and Kalena. It was a bit hectic and messy but we had fun.
Here's a pic of Seb and his girlfriend Kalena. Look at the height difference - Can you believe they are the same age? Kalena is a little peanut. She is so darn cute.

Here she is again with her big brother.

glad you are feeling good today. Have a great trip. Those pics are too too cute!
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