Friday, January 06, 2006

dieting and other misc ramblings

why is it so hard to diet? When I was younger it seemed easier. I'd just stop eating for a while, the pounds would fall off and before I knew it I could fit into my size 6 jeans again. Not now. I have started a diet/cleanse/new way of eating about 15 times since Seb was born. I haven't been able to stick to it for more than 3 days. And lately, I can't seem to stick to it past 2:00 pm on the first day. I feel even worse about myself because CJ is so thin and healthy now, and Dawn and Nabila who both had babies much later than me are stick thin again. I suck :( When will the "secret pill" be hitting the market. I will be one of the first customers.

On another note, JL... I don't know if you'll read this, but I heard what 'Safari Joy' said to you and Ben last weekend and I am horrified. I am so sorry. I hate her. I think I will complain.

The weekend starts tomorrow. We had a management meeting this morning and one of my coworkers came up with the brilliant idea to start up our Friday afternoon drinking sessions again. We used to do this every Friday in our office, but then the economy hit rock bottom, no one had work and he had to lay people off, so no one was in the mood for socializing. Now the economy is doing great, we are swamped and we decided we needed some morale boosting... I am looking forward to a glass of wine and some laughs starting at 4:00.


Blogger JL said...

Karen! (of course I read - all the time!)
okay - no worries about the diet thing - I am right with you! and btw, I really do think you always look great. But I agree Dawn and Nabila are really skinny :) and look great too. It really is amazing!

as for Safari what's her name - Oh goodness. Please do not complain. I am totally fine about it. I am sure she did not mean it as harsh as it sounded. I actually think she was trying to be helpful.
Honest honest. I have spent some time thinking about it since and I really think it was fine. I am sure I was being a sensitive mom. Like I am!!! Ben and I really had a great great great time. Ben is just loud with his temper when other kids are more quiet and that gets him lots of attention.
Really, I would be horrified if you complained. The whole party was so great. Please please do not and do not think another second about it. It was an incredible party!

7:28 PM  

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