My sister, Andrea
Andrea is my sister. I love her dearly. I even loved her when she tricked me into drinking creek water when I was 6. I loved her even when she hit me with a brush at sailing school resulting in 200 little bleeding holes in my arm. I loved her when she challenged me to eat my ice cream as fast as I could, only to tease me by eating hers as slowly as possible in front of me once I was done.
I must admit to one thing. It has been bothering me for years. When Andrea was in grade 5 and I was in grade 3, her class went on a two-day field trip. I cried when she left that morning. My mother thought it was because I was going to miss Andrea but really it was because I wanted to go. I never told Mum this because mum said I could skip school and spend the day with her instead.... being how I missed my sister so much!
When we were in high school, I idolized Andrea. She worked at Ontario Place in the summer, so I applied to work at Ontario Place. She had a crush on some guy, so I had a crush that same guy (I can't even remember his name... but I went to that Peter Gabriel concert with him). She joined the choir so I joined the choir.
I always wanted to be friends with her friends. I always wanted to do what she was doing, but I wanted to do it better. I so much wanted her to love me. I was the peskiest little sister ever.
When Andrea went to college she invited me to come and visit her. I was a bratty little 16 year old. I went to visit Andrea, drank too much and ended up being sick outside a big college party. Andrea took care of me. She brought me back to her dorm room, gave me water, got me to eat and stayed with me. After that weekend was over, she even invited me to come back.
We used to travel together. Once a year we would take a vacation together. We went to Portugal together, to the Canyon Ranch Spa in Arizona (Andrea snuck in several bottles of wine), to Italy, to the Caymen Islands. Ah... our trip to Caymen Island. I had developed an eating disorder since I had last seen her. I was feeling pretty proud of my 103 lbs body that would excercise 3 hours a day and eat nothing but lettuce and yogurt. When Andrea saw me she started to cry. We fought... she was so angry. She forced me to eat that week. I truly think that her forcefulness was the beginning of my recovery.
Andrea and I talk regularly. I can tell her things about being depressed or anxious for no reason, and she tells me she knows exactly how I feel and makes me feel like I am not a freak. I talked to her about the possibility of CJ being a stay at home dad... she was so supportive and positive. Only the two of us know our family history. Only we understand the idiosynchrocies of our family. Andrea has helped me to deal with things when my mother drives me batty, or when my dad does something (unintentionally) that is thoughtless.
Andrea is generous. Andrea bought my mum a car for Christmas when mum was too proud to accept financial help for car repairs. Andrea has flown out to Seattle when her work schedule was crazy, so that she could be here for Kenzie's and Sebby's baptisms. She is Godmother to both my children.
Andrea is loving. She cried for months when our family dog died. She adores Mackenzie and is so amazing with her. When Mackenzie was colicky and I was a walking zombie, Andrea held her and walked with her until she fell asleep in her arms. Andrea will get into bed with Mackenzie and read to her for 45 minutes before Kenzie falls asleep. In Andrea's corporate attorney's office with a view of the Toronto skyline, on the mahogany desk among the corporate files and important business cards is a finger painting that Mackenzie made for her when M was 1.
Andrea waited 36 years to find the man of her dreams. They say that good things come to those who wait. I am so glad Andrea did. Chris is a wonderful man who absolutely adores Andrea. I know he loves her and I know she loves him. In 4 weeks they will be married.
Congratulations Andrea and Chris. I wish you years and years of happiness together.
Love your little sister.
p.s. Here is a picture of Kenzie modeling her flower girl dress.

I should know better then to read your blog at work! you have me all teary.
very sweet, you and your sister have an amazing relationship.
love the dress!!!
Oh, how sweet, Karen. You and your sister sound so lucky to have each other.
Kenzie is a doll in her flower girl dress. :)
Karen you are so sweet and loving. Your sister is so lucky to have you.
Kenzie is going to be beautiful in her wedding!
I hope she reads this blog. If not, you need to print this and give it to her on her wedding day.
Beautiful, K!
you are so lucky K and so is she....
nothing like sharing a common history!
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