Thursday, February 23, 2006

I feel like an imposter

I've always had this weird insecurity about work. It's really odd. I've always had good feedback from the partners in my firm. The clients have given me commendations on my ability to manage projects and the deliverables that I am responsible for. I have never had any situation where anyone has told me that my work was bad or that I screwed up... but for 13 years now, I have felt like I am "faking it".

I often feel like any day now someone is going to pay attention and realize that I am an imposter. They are going to see that I really don't know what I am doing and that the things that I say or do are not correct.

It's really odd. I don't know why I have this huge insecurity. I guess that sometimes I am just overwhelmed with how much I don't know. I am petrified that one day someone will ask me a question about something that I should know and I won't have the answer. They will look at me with an expression that says... "how could you have made it this far in your career within this firm without knowing THAT?!?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No thats how you feel when you are good at your job. Everyone else is struggling or hates their job so they have to pretend that the job is very very hard and stressful to add to their sense of importance and make themselves look valuable or convicne themselves that filing paper 10 hours a day *really* is contributing to something worthwhile.

You are not insecure you are just better at it than everyone else and you are worried becuase everyone else makes things look harder than it really is. Sit back, enjoy watching everyone else make fools of themselves and be confident that as long as you get no bad feedback all is well....

7:40 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

awww thanks... who are you kind person?

6:08 PM  

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