it's been a while
Well let's see. A few things have happened since I last blogged.
First, and most importantly, Sam and Charles got married. Unfortunately I didn't go (it was just too much traveling in a short period of time). Congrats yous guys! Love you!!!
We went to the Wheeler's house on Saturday to watch some football. A good time was had by all. Here are a couple pics.
CJ doing the happy dance when the US scored.

Kenzie playing soccer with Tim.

On Sunday we relaxed and had the wheeler's over for a barbeque. It was very sad when they left to go home since it was the last time they'll see the kids for a few months. :( It was hard.
On Monday morning CJ left for his annual boys fishing trip and the kids and I headed to the airport to come to Toronto. The trip was pure hell. The first flight was delayed 45 minutes. Then Sebby screamed for 3 hours straight. I kid you not. He was way overtired but wouldn't sleep. The other passengers were giving me looks.
We landed and got off the plane at Terminal F at 5:35. Our next flight was leaving Terminal D at 5:50. As we walked off the plane I heard an announcement for last call for my flight. Seb was in the stroller and Kenzie and I started running. It was a long way between terminals and I asked 3 of those little passenger cars to take me but they each refused because they have a set route and they couldn't turn around yet. Halfway there Kenzie was too tired to run so I picked her up and ran carrying her and pushing the stroller to the gate.
We arrived as they were shutting the door. When I saw that I burst into tears. That of course made Kenzie upset. Ugh. The flight attendant took pity on us and let us on the plane. So we walked on the plane with me a sobbing teary mess with all the passengers seated, belted and looking at us. very embarrassing.
Anyhow. So we made it to Toronto but Sebby has the flu now and I have this crappy cold flu. Oh well, it can only get better On the plus side, the kids are getting totally spoiled by my mum and all her friends. And they are having fun playing in mum's backyard with teh sprinkler and little pool.
I took these pics when Kenzie was sleeping. I'll post some of her soon.

Look at those curls!! he is too sweet Karen! Sorry you had such a crappy trip, glad you got there safe.
Have a great weekend!
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